Showing posts with label hanging props. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hanging props. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Height of Horror

Creepy mobiles & dreamcatchers drift in the breeze

There's something unnerving about things hanging overhead.  Information outside of our sight line sneaks up on us or it's simply an unnatural location for some objects.  The magic of floating candles in Harry Potter, spider webs tickling our faces, a ghostly figure from a window above - our vantage point leads us to feel vulnerable to a greater power.

My love for hanging props knows no limits.  If you've been reading my blog, it comes up a lot.  A lot.  The myriad of paranormal potential will keep you crafting and hunting for new props for years to come.  Creepy mobiles and dream catchers, chandeliers, hanging baskets, macrame hanging planters, wind chimes, sun catchers, creepy curtains, lanterns, hooks, chains, Spanish Moss- I favor items that can move to increase the odds visitors will see it.  Even if they don't directly, their subconscious absorbs these details and adds to their experience.

Here's some of my favorite Little Pearl Haunt hanging props:

Bones at night, what a fright!

Driftwood, bone & sea glass sun catcher

A prefabbed light up feathered mobile
enhanced with wolf teeth & rusty wire

One of 2019 new props are these
macrame hanging plant holders I dyed with
spices, tea & coffee and added
mink skulls, white tailed deer jaws, beads & feathes

These jellyfish lamps from Mexico go from beachy to boo with the
help of an orange light bulb

Witch's Jar and Spanish Moss
Witch's Jar
Found two of these chandeliers on Craigslist for $20 total. I have since
added another that I found on the side of the road.  I love how they have a ghostly
float in mid-air, seemingly unattached to anything

16 days till Halloween....

Friday, October 4, 2019

Hanging Pumpkins: An homage to Rhonda

Life goals...
The beloved and quintessential Halloween movie Trick 'r Treat inspires and excites me about as much as burlap and a good hanging prop.  It should come as no surprise then that the first time I saw Rhonda's pumpkin bonanza my head literally started spinning.

I was already doing the "abundance of pumpkins" thing but OMG hanging pumpkins?!?!  HANGING PUMPKINS?!?!?  Now THIS I had to do.

It only took me about 5 or 6 years of solid porch swing brainstorming before I finally got it.  Commercially made metal plant hangers were either too expensive, not large enough or covered a lot of the gourd.  I picked up a couple  Kitchen Cooling Racks at my favorite kitchen supply store and then ordered some Metal Planter Chain of Amazon.  A couple coats of black matte spray paint on the racks and add the chain, making sure to space them out to keep the rack level.  The racks usually have feet - you can either have them hang down like feet or, flip the rack over and bend them out slightly and create a sort of cradle for the pumpkin.  This helps keep some of the smaller pumpkins in place.

It works out to just a few bucks per hanger and I like that they work with a variety of different sized and shaped pumpkins.  Obviously, the larger the cooling rack, the larger the pumpkin but I kept mine on the 8" size taking into account the weight of the pumpkin and what I would be hanging them from.

The pumpkin at the far right is hanging from the Camellia bush

Home Improvement Haunt

Context is everything.  In the right environment a common item can take on a whole new spooky life with or without minimal adju...